DMB FANS - January 2024
Since 2006 we have established this fan site for Dave Matthews Band fans to spread a resource information for fans old and new. We have spent countless hours trying to enhance this website so that all could experience the greatness that this band has projected since the early days of Trax, all the way up to their most recent tour.
We now anticipate new ways to spread the news and music of Dave Matthews Band with social media as well as shifting this current website to a new platform which essentially makes searching for DMB content a bit easier.
This current site will remain while content is shifted over, but you are welcome to stop by and check out the updated portion at
You can still get all the same content while also interacting with other fans, much like other fan sites have already done. In short, we are trying to make the site more user friendly and interactive.
Thank you for your patience as we transition the website and please feel free to join and enjoy the content. We hope that you will find a hidden gem that might set you free as it has for us over a span of 30 years of music.