Dave Matthews Band Fan Site

2008 DMB News

Stefan Lessard’s Blog Renews Excitement Over Upcoming Album

February 26th, 2008

It only took one short sentence from Stefan on his MySpace Blog to renew the excitement over Dave Matthew’s Band’s upcoming album.

“Tomorrow I drive to Denver, and then fly to C'ville in VA to do a little preproduction before heading out to Seattle to start our recording of our next record.” (Dated February 17, 2008)

No official updates have yet been released by DMB regarding their 7th studio album, but this bit of news confirms the earlier information regarding its timing. Stefan had mentioned in his Sirius interview back in November that the band had plans to go back to the studio in the spring.

It appears preproduction will take place in Charlottesville, Va and they will be in Seattle within the next few weeks for the actually recording. The release date could happen sometime this year.

Speculation abounds about the delay in the release of this album and the creative endeavors it may have sparked. Dave Matthews Band has many unreleased songs from the last two concert seasons and many wonder which ones will find their way onto the new CD. It has been reported that Dave Matthews Band was in the studio in November of 2007 and may have done some test recording and mixing of some of those unreleased favorites. 

The timing of this studio work fits well with other DMB news. Dave Matthews will also be in Seattle in April for the "Seeds of Compassion" with Tim Reynolds. They will "be joined by His Holiness the Dalai Lama for an unprecedented evening of conversation, music and compassion," according to a press release. Additional details, including ticket information, are available at the official Dave Matthews Band website.

2008 news, Stefan Lessarddbtp