Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Our Dave Matthews Band Discography covers not only their studio and live albums, but a full archive of items that include any of the the core 5 band members. 

The Live Trax Series which began in 2004 is highlighted as well as well as the digital DMBlive series which began in 2008, All bonus and pre-order disc from Musictoday and the Warehouse Fan Club.

We had a lot of fun exploring some of the rarer items that Dave Matthews, LeRoi Moore, Carter Beauford, Stefan Lessard and Boyd Tinsley did with other artists. Collaborations are always fun and interesting and there have been some good ones over the years.  

Even with the countless hour we've put into this, it is not the only part of dontburnthepig.org to explore, so we are sure there may be rare, obscure items that we are missing, or maybe even more obvious releases.

We encourage all DMB fans to submit any item that you might like us to add to our archives. You can do that by using the Contact page.

***All artwork featured on dbtp.org is primarily for reference purposes only. dbtp.org claims no ownership to any of the images posted. All artwork is copyrighted and owned by its respective artists***