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Hello Again


Yesterday, I happened upon a link to part three of the Dave Matthews Band's documentary, from their 2010 summer tour. The film, aptly named, "Hello Again," will have five parts in all, but only three have been released so far. Funnily enough, when I saw the clip, I knew that I would want to write about it, but then I found that we already have links to all three parts of the piece, here at DBTP. It's times like this when I am glad that the world doesn't wait for me, because everyone would be just a wee bit behind.

Anyway, if you haven't had a chance to watch these segments, I highly recommend that you do! Part One features "JTR" from Hartford CT, Part Two showcases "Squirm" at SPAC, and Part Three involves "Some Devil," and "Pig," from Hershey, PA. The music is a wonderful highlight of this series, but the insights from the band members themselves, are fascinating.

The musicians talk about everything from the way that they feel at different venues, to their love of interaction, both with each other, and the fans. It never occurred to me before how each place that they play must be treated differently due to the acoustics of the arena. Or, how each band member must re-learn the old songs in order for them to be played. Sure we may want "Sugar Will," but that requires serious effort on their part! Somehow, I just figured that Dave, Carter, Rashawn, Jeff, Tim, Boyd, and Stefan would automatically remember everything that they have ever played. But, of course, that would be a little like turning off the sunshine. Well, except maybe for Rashawn, who Tim calls a genius, because he reportedly knows everyone else's parts, as LeRoi did, before him. Personally, I am thrilled to see Rashawn featured more this year, as his vocals blow me away. Also, if you have ever wondered, as I have, why SPAC gets such great set-lists, it is partly because of the amazing set-up, partly because of the band's comfort level, and partly because of a history of "epic" shows. Yes, Dave and the boys admit that SPAC holds a special place for them, and they are willing to take greater risks, musically, because of it. Note to self: Buy SPAC tickets next year.

At one point in the film, the men are asked where they are in the tour, as in, how much of the tour has passed. And not one of them can answer this question accurately. To me this just shows how thoroughly they involve themselves in this journey. They don't know how far they have gone, or how much is left. All they know is that they are in it whole-heartedly. As Carter says, with DMB, you don't get pyrotechnics, or sequins, or fancy outfits. But what you do get is music. And that is just perfect.

But of everything that was said in this film, the biggest surprise for me had to be hearing Tim's voice for the first time. Thinking about it, I believe I expected his voice to sound like his guitar, since that is all I have ever heard from him. Yet, even though these men are extremely connected to their instruments, they are still human, which in the end, is what cements us all.

Hayley Bauman, Psy.D.