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Life is Like a Movie

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It's probably too early to be talking about this, but, keeping a secret is not one of my strong-points. Not that this is a secret, I just haven't written about it. Well, are you on the edge of your chair yet?

I, on behalf of Don't Burn The Pig, am helping to bring Boyd Tinsley's movie, "Faces in the Mirror," to Asheville for a screening! I am so excited! I can hardly contain myself! Many more details, and credits, to come, but for now, all I know is that this will be happening sometime in April. I can't wait!

In preparation for this event, I just did a little research on the movie itself, which made me even more excited! On the Faces In The Mirror homepage at facesinthemirrorhome.com, Boyd talks about his inspiration for this flick. What he describes is serendipity at it's best. Boyd reports that the drive to produce a movie had long been inside of him, but that he felt an internal push at 3am one morning while watching tv. He then picked up his iphone and began writing, only the bare bones of a story. Next, he connected with Ryan Orr, and Fenton Williams, who brought Ryan Gall with him. Everyone agreed to work together easily. And so it began.

What I love about Boyd's story is the flow evident in this process. An idea turned into a reality with minimal tension. That doesn't mean that hard work wasn't involved. It just means that it was clearly meant to be. That Boyd didn't have the entire story worked out before starting production only makes me want to see this more, because it reminds me of the beauty of the creative process. End results are so much more profound when we can get out of our own way, and let the magic happen.

I also love that Boyd decided to create the music for the film first. As he notes, this is the opposite of what most movie makers do. But for Boyd, the music was the most important element, because it held the key to the emotions that he wants you to experience. I can totally relate to this. I can't tell you how many movies I have seen solely because of the song that they chose for the preview. Speaking of which, I'm so happy for "The Head And The Heart," whose "Lost in My Mind," was aptly chosen for the "Silver Linings Playbook" trailer, especially since that film is doing so well!

But Anyway.

The only thing I'm a little nervous about is this extremely long hug of Boyd's I keep hearing about. I'm new to hugging. I guess you could say I'm a hugger in training. For the longest time, I would only accept "side hugs," because regular hugs made me feel too claustrophobic. But according to all accounts, Boyd's hugs are nothing short of spiritual. I hope to be lucky enough to find out.

Hayley Bauman, Psy.D.