Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Grey Street (mp3)

(2000-06-19) (12M) - first time played

(2000-06-20) (7.5M)

(2000-06-26) (16.3M)

(2000-07-12) (16.7M) - played on 6-string

(2000-07-19) (7.3M) - "Noah version"

(2000-07-25) (14.8M)

(2000-07-28) (11.7M)

(2000-08-04) (8.2M)

(2000-08-05) (7.9M)

(2000-08-31) (5.8M)

(2000-09-04) with Bela Fleck (15M)

(2000-09-10) (14M)

(2000-09-18) with Béla Fleck (14.6M)

(2001-06-04) (14.4M)

(2001-06-22) (17M)

(2001-07-07) (13.5M) - first time played as an opener; used for Labor Day Broadcast and the Warehouse 5 Vol. 2 disc

(2003-04-01) (dave & tim) (5.4M)

(2004-07-23) with Jamal Millner (13.8M)

(2005-11-30) (7.8M)

(2005-12-15) (11.2M)

(2006-05-13) (dave solo) (12.5M) - first time played Dave solo; played on 6-string

(2006-09-03) (11.5M)

(2007-09-06) (11.9M) - with Lamont Caldwell and Matt Cappy of The Roots on Saxophone and Trumpet

(2007-10-02) (9.8M)

(2008-07-05) (8.7M)

(2008-07-26) (10.9M)

(2009-04-24) (24.1M)

(2012-06-30) (9.8M) - Carter solo intro

(2013-07-23) (6.9M) 

(2014-06-21) (7.6M)

(2014-08-23) (9.6M) - Released as Live Trax vol. 32