Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Let You Down (mp3)

(1994-12-17) (dave solo) (4.4M) - First time played

(1996-12-03) (9M) - First time played full band

(1997-01-15) (dave & tim) (6.7M)

(1997-01-20) (dave & tim) (10M) - Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay outro

(1997-01-25) (dave & tim) (8.6M)

(1997-01-30) (dave & tim) (5.6M)

(1997-02-13) (dave & tim) (11.7M)

(1997-02-14) (dave & tim) (5.3M)

(1997-02-17) (dave & tim) (10.9M) - Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay outro

(1997-02-22) (dave & tim) (10M)

(2015-07-17) (dave solo) - First time Let You Down has been played since 7.13.97 and first time by Dave solo since 12.17.94 (its debut performance)