Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Pig (mp3)

(1998-04-18) (17.3M) - first time played

(1998-05-29) (13.9M)

(1998-06-03) (15.3M)

(1998-06-07) with Bela Fleck & Big Voice Jack (20.4M) - Butch Taylor (keyboards)

(1999-06-22) (16.9M)

(1999-06-26) (19.9M)

(1999-06-28) (10M) -first time played as an opener

(2001-09-29) (partial) (dave solo) (2.6M)

(2002-04-04) (16.9M)

(2002-04-07) (10.9M)

(2002-04-21) (9M)

(2002-05-04) (14.2M) - Dave's guitar goes out for about 20 seconds

(2002-05-12) (15.7M)

(2002-07-18) (11.2M)

(2002-07-29) (11M)

(2002-09-01) (11.7M)

(2002-12-13) (12.8M)

(2003-07-03) (10.6M)

(2003-07-30) (14.4M) - selected for Warehouse 5 Vol. 6 and Warehouse 8 Vol. 3 discs

(2004-07-02)  (7.8M)

(2004-07-07) (12.6M)

(2004-07-20) (11M)

(2004-09-03) (14.2M) - Dave skips the 2nd verse and instead sings the 3rd verse twice

(2005-09-11) (11.7M) - selected for Weekend on the Rocks compilation set

(2005-11-26) (10.4M)

(2005-11-29) (15M)

(2005-12-03) (14.9M)

(2005-12-09) (10.4M)

(2005-12-12) (11.6M)

(2005-12-15) (10.3M)

(2006-04-29) (8M)

(2006-05-30) (9.6M)

(2006-07-02) (10M)

(2007-09-19) (13.9M)

(2007-09-25) (14.7M)

(2010-07-01) (17.4M)

(2010-08-23) (16.8M)

(2012-06-05) (9.9M)

(2012-06-23) (12.6M)

(2012-07-06) (10.8M)

(2013-06-22) (9.7M)

(2014-05-31) (10M)

(2014-07-19) (10M)