Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Rhyme and Reason (mp3)

(1993-02-09) (9M) - first time played full band and the first time played within an encore

(1993-03-23) (6.3M)

(1993-03-24) (14.9M)

(1993-07-27) (dave solo) (3.4M) - time estimated due to cut in recording

(1994-08-25) (dave & tim) (9.9M)

(1995-04-14) (4.9M)

(1997-02-18) (dave & tim) (6.4M)

(1997-06-06) (9.6M)

(2002-09-01) (9.6M)

(2004-07-10) (7.8M) - selected for Warehouse 5 Vol. 5 and Warehouse 8 Vol. 2 discs (venue incorrectly listed as Madison Square Garden)

(2006-08-05) (13.5M)

(2006-09-22) (10.7M) - with Joe Lawlor (electric guitar),and John D'Earth (trumpet)

(2007-08-15) with Joe Lawlor (18.2M) - includes Joe solo intro

(2007-08-31) with Joe Lawlor (17.5M) - includes Joe solo intro

(2008-06-27) (14.3M)

(2009-04-20) (15M)

(2009-04-29) with Joe Lawlor (18.8M) - includes Lawlor & Carter prelude

(2009-05-27) with Robert Randolph (18.4M)

(2009-09-25) with Robert Randolph (16.9M)

(2012-05-29) (10.6M)

(2012-06-09) (14.4M) with Eric Krasno on Electric Guitar

(2012-06-16)  (13.2M) with Joe Lawlor on Electric Guitar

(2012-07-07) (11.3M) with Stanley Jordan on Electric Guitar

(2013-06-07) (12.6M) with Stanley Jordan on Electric Guitar 

(2013-08-31) (13.4M) with Joe Lawlor on Electric Guitar

(2013-09-07) (13.1M) with Mike McCready on guitar

(2014-07-02) (9.8M) - acoustic