Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Smooth Rider (mp3)

(2005-06-02) (6.9M) - first time played

(2005-06-18) (7.5M)

(2005-07-31) (8M)

(2005-08-12) with Eric Krasno (9.8M)

(2005-09-12) (24.4M) - selected for Weekend on the Rocks compilation set

(2005-10-28) (dave & tim) (5.7M)

(2005-12-10) with Robert Randolph (25.4M) - Dave plays electric guitar; "I Got a Woman," "Voodoo Chile," and "Purple Haze" interpolations by Robert Randolph

(2006-06-10) (11.5M) - with G. Love (harmonica & vocals), Ian Gordon (trumpet),and Reggie Watkins (trombone)

(2006-07-02)  (15.8M) - Dave wears big white-framed sunglasses that are thrown on stage; Hava Nagila interpolation

(2006-07-04) with John D'Earth (14M)

(2006-07-07)  (14M)

(2007-09-01) with Robert Randolph (22.9M) - includes Randolph solo intro; "Voodoo Child" interpolation

(2008-04-06) (dave & tim) (10.4M)