Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Spoon (mp3)

(1998-05-04) (dave solo) (8.5M) - first time played as a Dave solo

(1998-06-06) (dave solo) (8M) - Performance on WXRK 92.3 FM "K-Rock"

(1998-08-13) (6.5M) - first time played full band

(1998-11-21) with Bela Fleck (15.9M) - first time played within an encore

(1998-12-01) (dave solo) (8.8M) - Performance on WPLY 100.3 FM "Y100"

(1999-01-29) (dave & tim) (12M) 

(1999-02-16) (dave & tim) (11.6M)

(2003-07-29) (14.6M)

(2003-07-30) (6.6M)

(2003-08-07) (16.3M)

(2003-09-03) (11.4M)

(2003-09-09) (5.9M)

(2003-09-14) (9.2M) - selected for DMB - Live At... disc

(2008-08-09) (9.3M)

(2010-12-06) (dave & tim) (8.9M)

(2013-06-08) (13.8M) - with Stanley Jordan on electric guitar

(2013-06-22) (10.6M) - with Brandi Carlile on Vocals

(2013-07-09) (9.7M) 

(2013-07-27) (9.3M) 

(2014-08-30) (12M) - with Brandi Carlile on Vocals and Mike McCready on Guitar