Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Tripping Billies (mp3)

(1991-10-22) (6.7M) - Nature intro

(1993-04-07) (dave solo) (3.8M) - Nature intro

(1993-07-13) (14.3M) - Nature intro

(1993-07-22) (13.4M)

(1993-07-27) with Doug Wanamaker (6.5M)

(1993-08-17) (12.5M) - selected for Remember Two Things album

(1993-08-19) (13.2M)

(1993-09-08) (13.8M)

(1993-12-07) (13.8M) - with Tim Reynolds (guitar)

(1994-01-29) (dave & tim) (5.6M) - Nature intro

(1994-04-06) (6.5M)

(1995-01-26) (10.8M)

(1995-02-23) (5.5M) - Nature intro w/ lyrics

(1997-06-05) (7.5M) - Nature intro

(1998-10-29) with Greg Howard (9M) - Nature intro

(2000-09-18) with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (23.2M) - Nature intro

(2001-11-13) (dave solo) (11.9M) - Nature intro; Dave flubs the 3rd verse and improvises some lyrics

(2002-07-18) (22.2M)

(2004-07-21) (11.4M)

(2006-08-15) (11.3M)

(2008-07-20) (14M)

(2009-05-08) (13M) - Nature intro

(2014-05-16) (9.0M) - acoustic